Why Trump should be Impeached for Terrorism

What has happened this past week has been a long time coming.


Months before the election, Trump made it clear publicly that he feared he would lose the election and if he did, he’d do whatever it took to overturn the results.


And there was good reason to believe that he’d lose.


The polls showed that he was significantly behind Biden from the beginning of the race.


And in the first race he received less than 50% of the popular vote.


The concern was valid.


Knowing that the majority of mail in ballots would not be in his favor, he defunded the post office.


Then he fabricated rumors of mail in ballots being an unreliable way to vote despite the fact that he and his wife have been voting this way for years and there has never been any indication of a problem.


He had republicans plant fake drop off ballot boxes in democratic areas.


He had treasonous phone calls with other countries looking for dirt on Biden.


And when speaking to his base on his campaign trail- he suggested to them that violence would ensue if he did not win.


His subsequent tweets over these past few months have nurtured those suggestions by telling his followers directly and indirectly to fight the system.


And this is exactly why- at the debate- when he was asked to denounce white supremacists, he instead told them to stand by- because he knew that he was their ideal candidate and would need their support if he lost.


He has been validating and energizing white supremacists starting back before he was even nominated.


He questioned the validity of Obama’s birth certificate- which implicitly suggests that brown ppl are not really American. 


Then he created a campaign called “Make America Great Again” centered around building a wall and tightening immigration policies to keep non-whites out of the country- which fertilizes the seed that he planted- in questioning Obama’s place of birth.


Then he broke laws to permanently separate over 700 migrant children from their parents.


He banned Muslims from coming to our country.


He called for the death penalty of the Central Park 5 who were found innocent.


He has told tan and brown senators who were born in the US to go back to their country.


And he has called white supremacists “very good people”.


And that’s just a few highlights.  I could go on and on.


It’s not just a few questionable acts.  This is his pervasive pattern.


And it’s why he is the white supremacist dream come true.  


No previous presidential candidate has ever had the audacity- or should I say caucacity- to exude such bigotry and create such a hateful movement.


And yes, this movement is hateful.


If you’ve ever read emails from the campaign you know that it’s true.


Their emails say things like “The Left Hates You and what you stand for”.


And they subtly suggest that Trump’s base is a militia that must keep him in power at all costs.


So, when Trump told his followers to ‘come and be wild’ on January 6, they came ready for aggression and violence.


In his speech to them that day, he gassed their heads up telling them to “fight harder” and that they “are allowed to go by very different rules”.


Therefore, none of what happened was an accident.  It was precisely calculated.


The current president of the US is a terrorist of his own country.


And he has been banned from inciting further terrorism by private businesses who had rules in place against terrorism long before he was president.


We should be GRATEFUL that these companies have guidelines to protect us.


If a business thinks it’s ok to endorse terrorism- THAT is what we should have a problem with.


Not the other way around.


This has NOTHING to do with free speech.


And it has NOTHING to do with censorship.


It has EVERYTHING to do with respecting rules.


It has EVERYTHING to do with not inciting violence and terrorism.


Every company has rules in place to protect people and the company itself.


And they have every right to have these rules.


Any other day of the week, Republicans would be FOR businesses being able to make their own rules and policies.


They want businesses to have the right to do whatever they want.


Until they don’t like it.


That’s a double standard.


It’s the equivalent of being the kid who changes the rules of the game bc he’s losing.


It’s not a mature or healthy way to operate.


If you go into a restaurant and try to incite a riot, you will be kicked out fast.


And getting kicked out is not violating your right to free speech.  They have a right to not allow violence in their establishment.


As does any business.  Social media platforms included.


This is not the time to get paranoid about censorship.


Yes, things do get censored sometimes, but it doesn’t apply here.


When you violate rules or laws, there are consequences.  


That’s what is happening here.




Arresting a felon is not a violation of their rights.


It’s a consequence of their behavior.

My hope is that this felon gets arrested.

This has gone way too far.


Staying Positive in Challenging Times


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