Is Roe vs. Wade a Slingshot?
I’ve now spent some time processing what has gone on over the past few weeks.
The various events that have ensued- and particularly- the SCOTUS having gone rogue.
I’ve now thought quite a bit about why this has happened.
And what it means for us- past, present, and future.
We are living in a very interesting time.
Humankind is evolving like crazy.
But at this particular moment- we can only see the crazy.
Growth is messy.
And not everyone wants to grow.
Many will dig their heels into the ground and refuse to do so.
That’s what’s happening right now.
Sooo much has happened in the past 100 years or so.
We’ve gone from believing that women and people of color are the property of white men, to having them run for office and win- against those same white men.
They are running entire countries.
And they’re leading- corporations, schools, universities, and other organizations.
This isn’t how it was in the past.
And the conservative party- by its nature- does not like to move forward.
They are the party of the past- that fears change- and wants everything to stay the same at all costs.
And with so much change in so little time, they are likely feeling overwhelmed and threatened.
There’s a very big and basic problem with that though-
It goes against human nature.
As humans we are meant to evolve.
Staying the same means never growing and becoming better.
Which is why it’s a party that’s dying.
Looking at millennials and younger- there is no way that the republican party- in its current state- can possibly last.
And I’m not saying that democrats are perfect, but they are more flexible and more willing to move forward than republicans- which is why they are not dying the same painful death.
Conservativism is rooted in the old-world paradigm that believes in Newtonian Science.
That things ‘are the way they are’ and changes are limited- if they are even possible at all.
But Newtonian Science has been outdated since Einstein.
And we are entering a completely new era of human evolution.
There’s no avoiding it because it’s already here.
Money is changing, real estate is changing, travel is changing, healthcare is changing.
Almost anything you can think of- is changing- pretty much right before your eyes!
That’s pretty scary for people who reject change.
It would only make sense for them to want to travel back in time.
It felt so much safer back then.
But if we go back further than a few decades- which IS the time period they want to go back to- we travel into a time when oppression was the norm.
And women were simply baby-making machines working for whichever man claimed her.
She had little to no say about anything in her life.
Women were expected to be seen and not heard- so they would not question the arrogance or self-centeredness of the white men who were in running the show.
Abuse was tolerated as a norm with no repercussions.
Because no women in charge means no accountability for men.
And the men of this country have a history of violating anyone and anything that gets in the way of their ego’s plans.
Which is why the court didn’t just stop at abortion.
It made an emissions ruling that was quite disturbing as well.
And that’s because there’s two big things in the way of the GOP’s egoic agenda right now.
Women and Global warming.
Women have risen high in a very short time.
And at the rate we’re going right now- in a few decades- we might be running everything around here.
BUT- if they make us have babies with our rapists, risk our lives to give birth to dead fetuses and take away our own personal bodily autonomy- surely there will not be as many women available for these positions.
Not to mention- it sends a subtle, subconscious message to all of the women in these red states that have completely outlawed abortion- that women are baby making machines first and foremost. And they aren’t capable of making their own decisions- be it for their own body or for their life.
In other words, they are not fully charge of their own destiny. The white patriarchy is.
So, why even bother going after your dreams?
Again, putting more balls in their court.
Imagine that- the supreme court is so afraid of women leading the world, that they want to revoke all of our own personal rights to our own bodily autonomy.
It’s the work of evil geniuses.
Because having women in charge is that much of a threat to them.
Why is it a threat?
Because having women in charge means that we would be solving many of the problems in our world much faster.
Which also means- we would solve many of the problems that white male conservatives NEED to have in existence in order to get elected.
The most obvious of these is Global Warming.
If the conservative party were to admit that global warming exists, they would likely lose the financial support of big oil and gas companies.
And losing those financial contributions might mean losing their campaigns.
Because Big Oil and Gas spend at minimum- tens of millions of dollars on lobbying each year.
97% of those lobbying dollars go to the GOP.
Pissing off big oil and gas means replacing AT LEAST 10’s of millions of campaign dollars yearly.
And that’s not a small task.
Without the support of big oil and big gas the party will likely die much sooner.
So, their solution is to get women out of their way.
But that will only work if we allow it, and we won’t.
It’s time to get serious here.
And allow this to inspire all of us- every woman here in our country and on our planet:
To run for office.
Get involved in government at the highest levels.
AND throw our hat in the ring for ONLY the biggest and most massive badass influential positions that any company, school, government or organization has to offer.
No holds barred.
If you are a woman who believes that every one of us should have all and complete rights to our own bodily autonomy AND be in charge of things in this world- and you are reading this- I want you to take a moment right now- to think ONLY about the biggest and boldest position you can go for RIGHT NOW to make sure that women stay in charge of their bodies and lives as we rise into our real power in running this new world.
Specifically, I’m talking about:
YOU becoming President of your country.
YOU becoming the President of your University.
YOU becoming your company’s CEO.
YOU becoming your company’s CFO.
YOU becoming the principal of your school.
YOU starting your own 7-8-9-10-11-12 figure business.
Who are we even kidding here?
If there are men in the world worth 12 figures, there should be women worth 14 figures!
And I’m dead serious here.
Sometimes we have to move backwards in order to move forward.
This is our slingshot.
Don’t fuck it up.
It’s not for the next generation.
It’s for YOU- RIGHT NOW.
What’s your plan?
I want to know.