A Year of ‘Deep Authenticity’ … Reflections from 2021

It’s been an interesting year in many ways, for so many different reasons.


My theme for 2021 has been ‘Deep Authenticity’


Not to be confused with regular Authenticity- which is now a buzz word in the coaching space.


We hear it all the time:


“You need to be authentic.”


“Show ppl who you really are.”


“Tell the truth about your launch.”  (i.e. don’t round up or include gross revenue)


It seems to have become ‘a thing’ bc a lot of people have a hard time being honest and genuine about who they are and what they’ve actually accomplished.


But that’s not something that I’ve struggled with personally, which is why I felt called to take it to the next level.


I’ve always been authentic.


It’s actually hard for me to not be.


Anyone who really knows me… knows this about me! LOL


I even suck at role plays because of this!


But after becoming a personal growth junky these past 10 years or so, I’d gotten into the habit of holding back some of my deeper and more controversial thoughts sometimes.


Because it’s much easier to just say the stuff you know everyone wants to hear.


I found myself avoiding sharing the thoughts I have that might make waves.


So I decided to put an official end to that this year.


Shamelessly. Holding nothing back.  Regardless of where I was and who I was with!


I also made a point of opening myself up to being judged by others.


I posted and allowed pictures and videos of myself that some might find questionable.


And I integrated more of MYSELF- the things that I love and are important to me- into my business.


A lot of ppl actually appreciated my deep authenticity and even thanked me for it.


Although I for sure pissed some ppl off too- and it was apparent at times! Lol


It’s been an interesting, fun and freeing year.


As A Course in Miracles says: In your vulnerability is your strength!


And just for fun, here’s one final ‘deeply authentic’ photo from a few years ago that I haven’t shared on this page before! 






Science and Spirituality


Everyday Gratitude